Better Function, Better Habits, Better Sleep
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is a series of exercise-based treatment to create awareness and restore basic functions of life such as breathing, resting, sleeping, talking, chewing, and swallowing.
The 4 Goals of Myofunctional Therapy are:
1. Nasal breathing
2. Lip seal
3. Proper tongue posture
4. Correct swallowing pattern
*Complimentary 30 Minute Consultation- What is Myofunctional Therapy and what to expect.
*Comprehensive Evaluation- 60-90 minute thorough evaluation of orofacial dysfunction reviewed health history, compensations, functionality and creating a plan for customized therapy.
*12 Session Comprehensive Program- This custom foundational program uses exercises to achieve the 4 goals of myofunctional therapy.
*Pre & Post Frenectomy Exercises- When going through a tongue tie release- pre and post op exercises are necessary to prevent reattachment of the tissue. Going though the foundational program with help retrain the tongue.
All appointments can be virtual which makes therapy visits accommodating and feasible.
When we can improve these basic life functions, it can be life changing!
Natasha DeFendis
Myofunctional Therapist